Teen Purim Masquerade Party

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Hundreds of teens across S. Florida will be coming to Cteen Xtreme Purim

* Unlimited Arcades 
* Ropes Course  * Bowling  * Masquerade Contest 
* Megillah Reading 
* Delicious Dinner 
* Gift Bags for the first 150 Teens that reserve 
* Admission for the event is only $15!!! & that includes everything!!!!! 
* Best Teen Purim Party in South Florida History!

Reservations are a must and we will sell out early. 

Monday March 9th at 7:30pm
Cost - Only $15 (includes: Admission, Activities, & dinner) 
Reserve before it sells out

Xtreme Action Park 
5300 Powerline Rd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

CC info:
Card Number:  *
Expiry Date (mm/yy):


What's This? CVV Code:  *
Teen First Name:  *
Teen Last name:  *
Address:  *
City:  *
Zip:  *
Teen Phone #:  *
Teen Email:  *
School:  *
Grade:  *
Rabbi/Group:  *
Teen Leader (optional)
1 Ticket $15 *
5 Tickets $75
10 Tickets  $150
15 Tickets  $225
20 Tickets  $300
30 Tickets  $450
40 Tickets  $600
50 Tickets  $750

For more info call us at 561-998-5391 or email us at  [email protected]